The efficiency and results-orientation of Exchange employees is one of the most important factors in achieving the Group’s strategic goals. The Exchange’s HR Policy aims to achieve three major objectives:
  • involve, motivate and retain highly qualified employees and managers;
  • support employees’ continuous professional development;
  • create an atmosphere that supports employees’ personal development and enables the Exchange to achieve best results and achieve its strategic goals.

In 2022, the main challenge for Moscow Exchange was to maintain human capacity and ensure uninterrupted operation of the Group’s trading and clearing and other critical IT systems. The main driver of personnel changes in 2022 was M&A, i.e. the inclusion of MOEX Marketplace as part of the development of the Finuslugi platform and NT Progress for FX Market development. As a technology company, Moscow Exchange is focused on developing IT systems and ensuring information security, which was also a driver of headcount growth. Against a backdrop of negative external factors, the focus of the Exchange in 2022 was to control and optimise personnel costs, leading to the implementation of a project to centralise a number of back-office functions within the Group.

In line with applicable regulation and the MOEX Business Ethics Code, the Exchange practices equality of opportunity. The Business Ethics Code enshrines adherence to principles of equality with regard to the observance of labor rights as well as non-discrimination based on sex; race; skin color; nationality; language; national origin; financial, marital, social, and employment status; age; place of residence; religious orientation; beliefs; or membership or non-membership of any non-governmental association or social group. The Exchange respects the cultures, opinions and lifestyle of all of its employees, and categorically opposes any actions that could contribute to the creation of a threatening, hostile, insulting or humiliating atmosphere.

Total number of employees, persons









Total number of employees in 2022 by gender, (persons):

women – 997, men – 1,342.


Moscow Exchange’s training and development system includes educational programmes, workplace development tools and self-study. However, the choice of a particular type of training is left to the employees themselves. To meet their development needs, they can use modern technology, corporate resources and other opportunities such as cross-functional internships, mentoring, a wiki and an electronic library.

In 2022, the main focus of training was to maintain business continuity. 24% of employees participated in various educational programmes and sessions.

IT communities in the Group were further developed: 22 IT communities were functioning in 2022, and 6 meetups on professional community topics were organised, with more than 300 employees taking part therein.

Onboarding training for new employees takes place in an online format. The training includes topics that allow the newcomer to quickly get up to speed. The newcomer course includes webinars on the operations of all Group companies, HR processes, compliance, information security, and corporate life. In 2022, all new hires remarked on the high quality of the onboarding process.


As part of the Group’s social policy to provide social security for its employees, Moscow Exchange provides social support and guarantees over and above the basic legal minimum. Corporate social support is provided in accordance with the Regulation on Employees’ Corporate Social Support. Priorities for social support include health care of employees and their relatives, maternity and support for children. All Group companies provide voluntary health insurance schemes and international medical insurance for their employees, as well as travel insurance policies including accident and sickness insurance.

In 2022, the Exchange continued to implement measures aimed at preventing COVID-19 illnesses: employee testing was organised, the practice of compensating for income losses of sick employees continued, and work in a predominantly remote mode was ensured. Shared workspaces and additional meeting and co-working spaces have been actively developed to ensure the best possible working conditions. Corporate sports clubs were active, participating in football, hockey, running and triathlon competitions. The office gym was reopened and yoga classes are held for those wishing to attend. Corporate chess and table tennis tournaments were held.

The Group implemented a project to improve the remuneration package for key employees. Specially created commissions consisted of senior managers reviewed the nominees and generated a list of the most professional specialists, i.e. key experts. The key experts are provided with improved compensation packages: recreation, sports and workplace equipment costs are compensated, and conditions for voluntary health insurance can be improved.

The Group has a standing Social Committee which can provide financial assistance to employees in the event of an accident or force majeure not covered by insurance schemes.


A responsible attitude to occupational safety is one of Moscow Exchange’s core principles. High occupational health and safety standards are maintained, and employees are continuously trained to raise their awareness of occupational health and safety issues.

Moscow Exchange organises occupational safety briefings, including introductions to newly hired employees, as well as initial, refresher and unscheduled on-the-job briefings, and has all types of occupational safety and fire safety instructions in place. In 2022, 384 new employees competed the occupational safety induction course. MOEX’s internal corporate portal contains instructions and provisions on occupational safety, as well as articles about health, and allows for remote learning on occupational safety topics. The Exchange has an interactive health and safety video training course. The course is compulsory and covers key health and safety topics that should always be kept in mind.

The company conducts annual monitoring of the implementation of sanitary, anti-epidemic and preventive measures, medical examinations at the time of employment and in the course of work of certain categories of employees.

During the coronavirus pandemic, Group employees working in the offices were provided with antiseptic agents, gloves, personal thermometers and medical masks. Air fumigators were purchased. Workplaces were equipped with protective partitions in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The temperature of employees was monitored on a daily basis. Employees with fever were not allowed to work in the office.

Employees who feel unwell or need urgent medical aid can be treated by in-house corporate doctors at their facilities in the Exchange’s offices.

In order to ensure and maintain safe working conditions and prevent occupational injuries and diseases, the Group carries out occupational risk assessment and takes measures to reduce them, as well as a special assessment of working conditions. The procedures for emergency situations and elimination of their consequences are updated in a timely manner.