In December 2021, the Supervisory Board set MOEX KPIs for 2022. Due to changes in external factors, the Supervisory Board has adjusted the KPIs to prioritise the following areas:

Financial efficiency: ensuring the target level of F&C income in a negative external environment, net profit and cost control. F&C income amounted to RUB 37.5 billion, exceeding the 2022 adjusted business plan by 14%. The group achieved a historical record net profit of RUB 36.3 billion, exceeding the respective value of 2021 by 29%. The cost-to-income ratio was below target, ensuring the Group’s financial efficiency.

Ensuring business continuity. Ensuring the smooth operation of trading, clearing and other critical information systems in the face of heightened cyber threats has become one of the Group’s key focuses. The Exchange has provided the necessary level of cyber security for the systems.

Retail business development. MOEX key project for the coming years is the Retail Financial Services Marketplace (Finuslugi platform). The year 2022 saw further development of the platform: new products were launched, a mobile app was designed and launched, sales channels were developed, and retail customers and partners were actively recruited.